The next REDL Chat event will be available soon

REDL Chat event is on Friday, July 19 at 9:45AM AEDT  

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
What to expect
The REDL Chat is a live event on Zoom with no replay because it is mostly in break-out rooms. Al  gives specific topics to cut through the fluff. This is not a class, not teaching and not selling. This event is a mini online mastermind networking session to help each other build genuine relationships and be better business people.

I'm excited that you're joining us for our REDL Chat!

We will have a lot of fun.

Here's the format:

1. Make sure you come in early to have an opportunity to introduce yourselves and promote your business to the group before we start our REDL Chat. Please keep it cool with a short 20-second elevator pitch.

2. Our guest speaker will share how they started their business and why their expert professional services are paramount to the success of their clients.

3. After that I will give the opportunity for a few questions from the audience to the guest speaker.

4. Then I will propose a breakout room topic. You will then get put into a breakout room with 2 other people to discuss the topic.

Topics can be: "What's the biggest challenge that you're facing and need help with?"or "What business connections you're looking for?"

5. Then I'll propose a new breakout room topic and put you in a new breakout room with other new people.

6. And finally towards the end of the event, I will ask for your feedback on how we can improve the REDL Chat to make it better for the next one.

Thank you! I really appreciate you so much for joining us at our REDL Chat event. 

Full Name:

Email Address:

Mobile Number:

What's Your Niche in Real Estate

Which are these most apply to you?

Passive Investor
Business Owner
Real Estate Developer

We're looking for Real Estate professional experts to interview. Are you or someone you know would be a good fit for the REDL Chat? Please provide their contact details.

What do you want to achieve from attending this event and what business connections are you most looking for?

Zoom link will be sent to your email address

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